Quilt Along Flimsy

It took me all day, but I finished up the last three borders on Judy’s Quilt Along #1. The HST’s took most of the time and then of course the speed bumps along the way – HST’s going the wrong way, bobbin thread breaking, not enough fabric for the final border (I made them 1/2 inch smaller), and cat interruptions. This first picture does not show the true colors as it was dark in my quilt room and my camera is not working properly. This close-up of the corner shows the border fabric a little better, however, the orange looking border is really a deep pink with orange strips.
I’m very happy with how the quilt turned out and want to thank Judy once again for giving us a great quilt pattern.

Cat Report

Before I rush off to my Quilt Studio for a day of sewing/quilting, I thought I would give a report on my visiting cats.
My knitting bag, which was against the wall by a chair in the living room, fell over and the cats have declared this a wonderful cat bed. It is cozy and warm, and for now I am allowing it as it is keeping my furniture free of cat hair! Cats are known to bring dead mice as gifts to their humans. Thank goodness there are no mice around here (that I know of) so my visiting cat brought me a scroll cover (for counted cross-stitch) that was on a shelf in my Quilt Studio. This is the third time he has brought this long piece up from the basement. I feel loved.

Flower Power

My cousin gave me a quilt kit that uses a wedge tool which I have never tried before. Great big whimiscal red, blue and yellow sunflowers grace this little quilt with a white fence at the bottom. I’m having a wonderful time doing something new and challenging. These are pictures of my progress so far. The pieces are just placed on the design wall.
My camera is not behaving nicely so I feel lucky to have gotten two decent pictures.

Today I am grateful for ……..
1. Irish Soda Bread
2. A day at home to sew
3. My visiting cats keeping me company.

Cat Interference

It feels like I have not done much counted cross-stitching since the visiting cats arrived. They are lap-sitters so it is hard to manage counted cross-stitch with a huge purring cat in your lap – plus they shed hair that doesn’t look good on the canvas. Here is a little piece that I finally finished, sneeking my stitching in when the cats were napping elsewhere. Trying to type on my computer is near impossible with dear Elliot insisting on helping me. IMPROVE is prominently displayed on my desktop screen and Elliot is striving very hard to improve his interference skills. He is gets an A+

Fresh Air

It is a beautiful, sunny, warm day today. This is the first day since my visiting cats have been here that I could open the door to the back screened-in porch and let them investigate. Elliot went right out the door and began sniffing and investigating. His tail was up which means he was very happy. His nose will ache tonight from all the sniffing. Whereas Rudi is a different story. He sat in the doorway and would not venture out onto the porch. He watched his brother and sniffed the air, but simply would not take that scary step into a new world.
Rudi is in the computer room right now, staring at me, and probably wondering what other horrible thing I will be doing today. So far I have vacuumed (he hides under my bed), played the recorder, (he can’t stand the sound and goes downstairs) and now I opened the back door and he is afraid of the new sights and sounds.

To which cat do you relate – Elliot or Rudi ???????

Stash Quilt

Flimsy finished – Stash Quilt – pattern from Judy’s Patchwork Times. This picture does not show the true colors for the border, so I did a close-up below. The border is purple with gold dots.
The whole quilt was made from scraps and old stash. Now I need to dig around for a backing or take the time to piece a backing. There is enough of the purple left for binding.

Stash Report Mar 8

Fabric purchased this week – 0
Fabric used this week – 10.50
Fabric purchased this year – 0
Fabric used this year – 28.25

This week I counted the stash quilt even though I still have the borders to do. All the fabric is pulled and ready to be added.
I also gave away four yards of fabric to my BIL who is a quilter and needed some backing for an antique quilt top that he is finishing. “Why is that man taking fabric out of our house?”