
Today I had my first official lesson on the long-arm.  One HUGE thing I got out of the lesson today was Confidence!  Now what I need is practice, practice, practice.  I learned tips and tricks for figuring out the tension and for using pantographs.

There is a computer that I can attach to my long-arm (very expensive) and I got to see it in action.  I thought I would drool over it, but was surprised that I really don’t have a desire for it right now.  I’m perfectly happy to do free motion and some other methods that I learned today – using rulers and using a groovy board.

After the lesson I went shopping.  Oh dear.  I spent a lot of money to get some special stuff.

handistuffA simple pantograph, bobbins, special pins, a stylus attachment, a Baptist fan groovy board, and some special rulers with the table attachment.  I should be set for a while – until I see another groovy board I want.





2 thoughts on “Lesson

  1. So glad the lesson went well. You were pretty confident the other night when you showed me the machine. Can’t wait to see the results of what you learned today!!

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